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(PLEASE NOTE: This sale is the collection of the Robert Browning Settlement and does not in anyway reference the sale of the Robert Browning Society. We apologise if any confusion has arisen. For more information please feel free to contact us) BY ORDER OF THE BROWNING SETTLEMENT, BY THE REVEREND CLIVE DUNNICO, HONORARY WARDEN REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER: 243447 A National Charity Commemorating an International Poet. In Locksfields, Walworth, (now a part of the London Borough of Southwark), on land in York Street (now Browning Street), having been acquired in 1789, the building of a new non-conformist Chapel began. The new Independent Chapel was completed in 1790 and was originally known as The Locksfields Meeting House. It rapidly became the centre of active religious life. In 1804 the Reverend George Clayton was ordained and the Chapel was renamed the York Street Chapel of the Independents; (a forerunner of the Congregational Church). In 1804 Sarah Ann Wiedemann became a member of the Chapel and in 1808 became a Sunday School Teacher. Another attender at the Chapel was a Bank of England official, Mr Robert Browning. He and Sarah fell in love and were married in 1811 On 7th May, 1812 Robert and Sarahs first child was born. It was a boy who they named Robert, who was destined to become one of Englands greatest poets. The baby Robert was baptised by the Reverend George Clayton on 14th June 1812. Roberts parents lived in a house in Camberwell. Roberts sister, Sarianna was born in 1814 and she too was baptised in the Chapel as were many of Roberts relatives In the gallery on the west side, almost adjacent to the pulpit, was located the Browning family pew, which is held in the Settlements collection, During her life Sarah was a dedicated servant of the Chapel. She was an active supporter of the London Missionary Society and she kept a collection box for it. Her cash ledger is held in the collection. The young Robert was a regular attender at the Chapel until he was sixteen years of age, but his attendance then dwindled. Records inform us of him being a handsome restless youth, who sat with his parents in their family pew. Indeed, it is recorded how Mr Clayton stopped in the middle of service to reprimand for restless and inattention Master Robert Browning, This incident had a great effect on the young Robert, as after that rebuke his attendance decreased. However, Robert Browning never spoke in any but a respectful way of the little community where he received the sacrament of Baptism. Writing to Elizabeth Barrett in 1845 (4th August) he said playfully, can it be you? You are a frequenter of Independent Chapels and you confess this to me, whose father and mother went this morning to the very Independent Chapel, where they took me all those years back to be baptised, and where they heard this very morning a sermon preached by the very minister who officiated on that other occasion. The embarrassment of being rebuked there at the age of sixteen must have remained in his memory, as his son Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning (nicknamed Pen), in a letter written in 1906, refers to the place where my father feared to tread. The poet did, however, have fond memories of the services performed in the Chapel, because in a letter to his sister describing the Baptism of his son in Florence in 1849, he said that the ceremony was at the same as Mr Clayton's (NB. The Chapel in 1923 became known as Browning Hall). Robert Browning died on 12th December 1889 and was buried in Poets Corner Westminster Abbey on 31st December 1889. The Elders of the Chapel decided to form a charity in memory of the poet. The Robert Browning Settlement was founded with the enthusiastic support of the poets son and daughter-in-law. In 1895, The Settlement was designated a World Memorial to the Great Poet, Robert Browning the Chapel as its spiritual centre. Pen became President of the Settlement in 1906 and in that year he presented the original marble bust of his father to the Settlement. His widow, Fanny Barrett Browning, gave us many personal items, photographs and paintings, which now form an important part of our collection. In May 1928, the Settlement was honoured by a visit by HRH Duke and HRH Duchess of York (later to be Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth). The work we carry out now is social and religious. We have a legal advice and counselling service; we make visits to the sick and elderly, wherever they are located in London or Essex. Although we are a Christian charity, we offer our services to all at no cost. If we cannot be of assistance, where professional knowledge is required, we introduce enquirers to advisers offering a public service. The Settlement always seeks to identify new needs and to find ways of assisting those who need help. The Pandemic severely had a negative effect on our financial resources. We were restricted by law from carrying out all the services we offer. With a heavy heart, we are now selling our Collection of Browning Memorabilia and Historical Records, with the assistance of Stacey's Auctioneers to enable us to continue our services to those who seek our help. *marching breast forward, never doubting clouds will break, never dreaming, though right may be worsted, wrong will triumph. (*epilogue to Asolando - Robert Browning). Honorary Warden Image. Photograph of Robert Browning, Part of Lot.2013.

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A Bust of Robert Browning by his son Robert Barrett Pen Browning, made in Pentelicus Marble in 1886 and presented to the browning settlement by the artist in 1906. (Listed as lot 1260 from Sothebys Brownings Collection, 1913.) together with a pamphlet from Browning Hall, York street Chapel, highlighting the unveiling of the bust by Robert Barrett Browning. December 12, 1906.

Sold for £17,000.00

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An Original letter From Robert Browning to his sister Sarianna, with post mark from Bagni Di Lucca, dated July 2nd 1849. (with 3 page transcript).

Sold for £3,400.00

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An original short manuscript by Robert Browning, titled, Instructions for Riding. Unsigned, provenance, The Robert Browning Settlement collection.

Sold for £1,200.00

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A partial letter from Sarianna Browning whilst residing at 19, Warwick Crescent to Anthony Snellgrove, including a partial section of the original envelope dated 23rd July 1866.

Sold for £80.00

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An autographed letter By Robert Browning to Mrs Emilie Schlesinger, asking for a favour, Warwick Crescent, dated 6th May, 1868 on watermarked paper and with the original envelope.

Sold for £1,200.00

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A pen and ink drawing by Robert Browning senior titled Tomb at Pornic, inscription in pencil below reads By my Grandfather (RBB). (Robert Browning Senior 1782-1866, a known artist & Caricaturist). 19cm x 29.5cm.

Sold for £130.00

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A letter from Robert Browing to Robert Browning Senior discussing the sale of Nomenclator, Genealogies of the Characters of the Old Testament by RB SNR, also writing of Pen Browning and Sarianna, signed Robert, undated.

Sold for £1,600.00

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The Nomenclator, intended to facilitate reference to names in the Old Testament. 196 boxed pages including preface by RB and EBB. Bound canvas box with gold lettering together with Paper bound volumes No.1 Genesis, No.2 Malachi, 3rd volume illegible title cover believed to be Speed 12 Tribes with variations, given to A.G Snellgrove, November 1856, Paris. 1 signed A. Snellgrove, top right 1st page and accompanying additional preface for the book written by Robert Browning explaining the purpose of the Nomenclator.Lot 129 Sothebys sale.

Sold for £3,600.00

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A signed letter by Robert Browning to a Mr Macready (William Charles Macready) undated.

Sold for £1,700.00

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A signed letter by Robert Browning to a Mr Boehm (Joseph Edgar Boehm R.A.) dated March 29th, 1884, discussing Pen Brownings works on display at 11 Camden house road mews.

Sold for £600.00

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A signed letter addressed to Mr Macquoid (Thomas Robert Macquoid R.A) from Robert Browning, apologising and discussing his Son RBB, dated April 3rd, 1884.

Sold for £650.00

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Robert Browning address book containing names and addresses for friends and acquaintances including Matthew Arnold, W.Gladstone, J.Milsand and Lord Tennyson together with Small photo card of Robert Browning signed in pencil by Robert Browning.

Sold for £5,500.00

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2 albums tilted Robert Browning photographs book 1/2 including portrait photos and prints of RB, RBB and EBB. Including signed photos for Sarianna Browning and Fannie Barrett Browning. (Approximately 69 portraits and images).

Sold for £1,600.00

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A photo of Palazzo Rezzonico, Venice together with 5 of Sarianna Brownings personal photos with inscriptions to reverse.

Sold for £45.00

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A copy of the original marriage certificate for Robert Browning and Elizabeth Moulton Barrett dated 1846, mounted on card, signed by Thomas Wood Goldhawk, together with a photocopy of the original.

Sold for £1,200.00

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Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonnets from the Portuguese printed by John Henry Nash for William Andrews Clark Jr, 1927 with slipcover together with a similar edition with a floral cover dated 1925.

Sold for £55.00

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A small painting of Robert Browning 1888, in sepia and greys, identical work by Alphonse Legros on display at the Victoria and Albert Museum, mounted on card 15cm x 20cm.

Sold for £500.00

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A small sketchbook belonging to Robert Barrett Browning 1875-1877, multiple pencil sketches with loose binding and pages.

Sold for £2,400.00

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A Specimen of Greek writing dated December 17, 1861, R.B.B (Penini) first piece of Greek writing at the age of 12 years with an attached letter from the Rev. Herbert Stead to Mrs Fannie Barrett Browning dated June 26th, 1923.

Sold for £130.00

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A BROWNING LIBRARY, London 1929. A catalogue of printed books, manuscripts and autograph letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning collected by Thomas James Wise. Red canvas binding with gilt embellishments, inscription on inside cover, To the Robert Browning Settlement for Thos.J.Wise, Author.

Sold for £110.00

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Robert Browning's calfskin and leather trunk with metal stud initials RB to top, makers label for J.Martin or Borough, London, additional later added paper travel related labels. 50cm x 29cm x 22cm

Sold for £250.00

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Robert Browning's Fedora hat initialled to the inside rim together with RB's stag horn handled ebony walking cane.

Sold for £1,700.00

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A lock of Robert Browning's hair in a yellow metal pendant mount and cased in a leather box with the Initials R.B. To cover,dated Dec 12, 1889. (case 11cm x 8.5cm).

Sold for £1,500.00

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A lock of Sarianna Brownings hair in a small travelling leather picture frame. 12cm x 10cm x 2cm.

Sold for £95.00

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A plaster cast of Pen's (Robert Weideman Barrett Browning) hand inscribed in pen to the underside, Model of Pennines hand at the age of about 9 years, possibly the work of sculptor Harriet Hosmer. 19cm x 10cm x 6cm

Sold for £130.00

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A small leather visiting card case with 6 of Robert Browning's cards and 1 for Robert Barrett Browning, 29 De Vere Gardens W and Palazzo Rezzonico.

Sold for £800.00

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A gilt framed portrait miniature of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Flush her cocker spaniel, inscribed to reverse The Portrait of E.B.B given to me by R.B, S.B (Sarianna Browning). 28cm x 25cm, ( Lot 1410, Sothebys 1913 sale).

Sold for £5,800.00

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Robert Barrett Browning, 1846-1912. oil on canvas portrait of Honore Charbonier age 80. monogramed and dated 1882. 72cm x 63cm, including carved and gilt wood frame. (listed in the 1913 Sotheby's sale Lot 53.) paper label to reverse, in R.B.B handwriting with title, Address and Price. See last image of Robert Browning and Joseph Milsand viewing the portrait.

Sold for £2,600.00

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An oil on canvas portrait of Robert Browning after a painting by George Frederic Watts, unsigned attributed work by Robert Barrett Browning, 75cm x 62cm including gilt wood frame.

Sold for £190.00

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Robert Barrett Browning. 1846-1912, Aged Woman at Devotions. (Lot 49, Sothebys 1913 sale). (Canvas,117cm x 85cm, Frame size, 136cm x 103cm)

Sold for £850.00

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Robert Barrett Browning. 1846-1912, The Cobbler, ca.1876, a seated cobbler at work wearing a leather apron, part of lot 49 in Sothebys 1913 sale. (canvas size, 84.5cm x 117cm, with frame 135cm x 104cm).

Sold for £1,300.00

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Heyermans, Jean-Arnould. Interior of a Room with an artist, seated, painting a picture with a cobbler and his daughter standing each side of the artist. Oil on canvas 30 in. x 36 in, signed work of RWBB's Antwerp teacher, who showed RWBB as the seated artist, Collections, lot 18, purchased by Smith, behalf of Fannie Browning.

Sold for £2,200.00

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A plaster bust of Elizabeth Barrett Browning made by and presented to the Robert Browning Settlement in 1927 by Jason (Jessie) Emerson Herron 1900-1984. 17cm.

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A copy of Robert Browning's Poetical works dated 1906, by Smith and Elder, presented to RB Settlement by Ernest Henry Shackleton in 1913, together with a signed letter and signed photo of Lieutenant Shackleton. inscribed to inside cover is a dedication to E.S and the officers of the Nimrod before his Artic Exploration from Agnes S. Fox Sept.1907.

Sold for £11,000.00

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4 Large stage photos for Walter Hampden together with a dedicated autographed photo from Walter Hampden to Mrs Barrett Browning.

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A copy of Caponsacchi, a play in 3 acts after the Epilogue based on Robert Brownings poem The Ring and The Book, signed by Walter Hampden and Edith Barrett together with an autographed photo of Walter Hampden as Caponsacchi.

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Related to Lot 1. Autographed photo, Programme and a letter to Rev.J.W.Graves warden of The Robert Browning Settlement from Walter Hampden, together with a leaflet stating the display of Robert Brownings effects including The bust at the Walter Hampden theatre.

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The Old Yellow Book, Source of Brownings The Ring & The Book by Charles. W. Hodell, published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, July 1908, green canvas binding with leather spine and corners. (Listed Lot 509, Sothebys 1913).

Sold for £60.00

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4 Watercolour paintings by Robert Barrett Browning of St Marys Church, St.Marie August 1863. 25.5cm x 18cm. (Listed as part of lot 79, Sothebys 1913).

Sold for £240.00

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4 Watercolour paintings by Robert Barrett Browning Views of St.Marie, The Druids Temples at Pornic, titled in pencil, The house of the Mayor where we lived, August 1863. 25.5cm x 18cm. (Listed part of lot 79, Sothebys 1913)

Sold for £1,100.00

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A leather bound book titled The Golden Book of The Browning Cross for the Browning Settlement, an award to persons of distinction within the foundation. Persons listed with biographical notes include Ernest J Shackleton, William Crooks (Politician and Trade Unionist), Thomas Macnamara (Labour Minister), Valdermar Amundsen (Professor of church history at Copenhagen university), Gerhard Halfred von Koch (Swedish Politician), Fannie Barrett Browning. Most biographies are signed by the subject including that of Ernest Shackleton.

Sold for £650.00

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A very extensive collection of autographs compiled in the Robert Brownings Hall, visitors book. 1895-1994 Some of the significant names to note include The Duke & Duchess of York, Ernest J Shackleton and later His wife Emily Mary Shackleton, Ethel Snowden, H.H. Asquith, John Henry Barrows, Joseph James Curling, Saint Nihal Singh, Frank H Ford (Lambeth Pottery), over 1000 signatures.

Sold for £1,700.00

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Ernest Stafford Carlos, 1883-1917, R.A and Lambeth School, A Portrait of Frederick Rogers, author of The early environment of Robert Browning and other titles.(Canvas 64cm x 67cm, with frame 94cm x 84.5cm).

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A gilt framed oil on canvas of Sarianna Browning seated and wearing a burgundy dress and fur coat, attributed to Robert Barrett Browning. (Canvas 77cm x 95cm with frame 92cm x 110cm).

Sold for £1,200.00

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A collection of books based upon the Poetical works and Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (24).

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An Original letter letter from Homer G Bowen Cheif cashier for the Bank of England to Dr Furnivall (Sir Herbert Furnivall ) dated 7th March 1890.

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Robert Browning, Asolando, fancies & Facts, pub. By Smith, Elder & Co, red canvas bound hardback edition, sixth edition 1890, Asolando paper backed 1893, Tenth Edition, The Ring and the Book, c.1920 Fifine at the Fair, Smith, Elder 1872, Bells and Pomegrantes, Ward Lock and Company, Sordello edited by A.J Whyte, J.M Dent & Sons ltd. Inscriptions to each book, donated to the Browning settlement.

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Sarianna Browning, a small framed pencil sketch inscribed on Reverse, House at Hatcham where Robert lived when meeting with Elizabeth Barrett, and where he wrote his love letters. Titled in pencil by Sarianna Browning. 20cm x 12cm.

Sold for £90.00

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A letter from IL SINDACO DI FIRENZE dated March 1906 to Robert Barrett Browning re-the centenary of Elizabeth Brownings birth, signed by Antella

Sold for £40.00

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A Green canvas bound edition of the 1913 Browning catalogue, pictures drawings etc, with a further green canvas bound book titled Old Engravings, both presented to the RB settlement also included within this lot is a copy of the 1937 Sothebys sale catalogue for the papers of Lt Colonel Harry Peyton Moulton Barrett, Nephew of EBB.

Sold for £40.00

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A collection of letters from Mrs Fannie Barrett Browning together with A selection of visiting cards, including 1 for Robert Barrett-Browning.

Sold for £100.00

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A letter form Fannie Barrett Browning to The Browning settlement, making a list of the paintings being donated (most of which have been listed in this sale).

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Robert Browning, unsigned, A note dated March 19th, 87 from 19 Warwick crescent. Mr Browning, just to say that i will have great pleasure in making one of the Honorary committee formed for the purpose of benefiting Dr W Martin.

Sold for £580.00

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A canvas bound copy titled the descriptive catalogue of the Gowey collection of Browning pictures, printed by Henry Nash 1898. 70/1.

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The Letters of Robert Browning & Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1845-1846, Vol 1/2 by Smith Elder & Co, green canvas bound 1899 (Third Impression). Letters of Robert Browning,edited by T.L.Hood (3 copies 1 with dust jacket) pub. by John Murray, first edition 1933, green canvas bound. The Ring & The Book pub. By Smith, Elder & Co. 1898, new edition, Life and letters of Robert Browning by Mrs Sutherland Orr, pub.Smith, Elder & Co.1891, Browning, Stopford A Brooke, Ibister, 1902 blue canvas binding.

Sold for £30.00

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A cloth bound book, inscribed on the inside cover Robert Browning Sept 12, 1835 followed by to passages of greek poetry and one in Italian, a pencilled inscription follows on the second page, gift by Fannie Browning to the RB settlement 1914. (Lot ref E513, Sothebys sale 1913).

Sold for £2,000.00

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The complete works of Robert Browning, 12 Volumes, pub. Thomas Y Cromwell, 1898 red marbled cover with leather spines and corners. (Spines in poor condition).

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20 editions No.86, Robert Browning by A.R Skemp, New Issue published by T.Nelson & Sons Ltd. 1920. Some with original dust jackets.

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Robert Browning, Poems 4 volumes with green canvas spines and marbled hardcovers, Collection of British Authors Tauhnitz Edition. Copyright Edition, 1872. Together with The Poetical Works of Robert Browning Vol 1/2/3/5/6, by Smith.Elder & Co. 1882, burgundy canvas hardcover with gilt lettering.

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The Penny Poets, No.L11, Poems by Robert Browning (4 Copies), The Masterpeice library, paperbacks. Browning for the Trenches, 1918, published by Boston Browning Society, Paperback, Robert Browning, Cheif poet of the age, by William G, Kingsland, 1887. Pub F.W Jarvis.

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A set of 7 Victorian oak high back chairs, used by the the Rev George Clayton and Deacons in the old York Street Chapel, also used by Prince Albert and Mary (Duke & Duchess of York), during their visit to the Settlement on 24 May 1928. ( in need of some restoration).

Sold for £100.00

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The Browning family pew from the York street chapel, and used in the Browning Street Church, pew number 85. Overall length 183cm. (Images to come).

Sold for £180.00

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A letter from Sarianna Browning whilst residing at 29, De Vere Gardens to Miss M Mundella, including The original envelope, undated.

Sold for £160.00

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Saul by Robert Browning, 26 paper backed Copies by H.R.Allenson, Heart and Life Booklets.

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A collection of Books by various authors and publishers on Brownings works and lives.

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Poems by E.B Browning 1887, George Routledge and Sons, 2 copies. 1894 by Smith, Elder & Co, and a further copy published by Smith, Elder & Co. 1887.

Sold for £35.00

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A single sheet of gilt letter headed paper from the desk of Adolf Hitler, Berlin. Folded, Den. (Corner bent to lower right corner).

Sold for £190.00

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Livingston (David), A 2 page letter relating to the Peace society dated Nov, 1860 written and signed by David Livingston discussing the death of Joeseph Sturge (Quaker and political activist), transcribed below. MY DEAR SIR, In reference to your letter of 30 Dec 1859, giving me an account of the decease of our much esteemed friend Joseph Sturge, I may be allowed to explain that he favoured me with a letter while I was engaged with several very trying public meetings in Glasgow, Edinburgh, I just opened it and saw that it was on the subject of Peace then put it aside in the hope of attending to what was said the first time I had leisure. Unfortunately I never saw it again, & have no idea how it was lost. It however remained on my mind that I had not treated him as I ought to have done, and to get rid of that feeling I wrote stating some difficulties that seem to stand in the way of the adoption of Peace principles. You appear to have answered them very fairly and I thank you and Mrs. Sturge for the trouble you have taken. I pray that the Almighty may so guide my steps so that it shall never be forced upon me to fight with either black or white, but I cannot but believe that war in some cases is both necessary & just. At best it is a monstrous evil,—and never to be resorted to except under the gravest necessity. In African forays we have the worst evils of war and I think that Christians ought to exert themselves to establish lawful intercourse with the degraded heathen. It seems certain that intercourse will be established and the good ought to forestall the advances of the bad. Some of the Friends ought to put their principles to the test of practise and appear among us the harbingers of peace. I lately marched 600 miles up this river on foot, people all friendly except those near the Portuguese, I carried a stick only until passing through a tangled forest alone, a Rhinoceros made a charge and stopped short when within 3 yards of me, ever after I carried a Revolver, My kind regards to Mrs. Sturge. DAVID LIVINGSTONE.

Sold for £2,400.00

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John Bright. A collection of letters and correspondence from. 1854-1886 relating to the Peace Society from John Bright, British Radical Liberal politician With Richard Cobden, the founder of the Anti-Corn Law League. (24 individual letters).

Sold for £1,500.00

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Richard Cobden. An extensive collection of letters and correspondence dated from 1850-1856, relating to the Peace society from Richard Cobden to various recipients including Henry Richard, Together with 2 volumes of 2 and 3 The letters of Richard Cobden. (35 individual letters), also included is a canvas bound copy of Cobdens Pamphlets c.1850 (England, Ireland and America / Russia / 1753 and 1853 in Three letters / Report of the proceedings at peace conference held in Manchester, with inscriptions by Henry Richard.

Sold for £1,900.00

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6 canvas bound editions titled Selections from the Works of Robert Browning, published by Smith, Elder & Co. Various editions and conditions.

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A blue leather bound edition titled the treaty of peace between the Allied and associated powers and Germany signed at Versailles June 28th 1919, inscription to 1st page for the Henry Richard Library signed by Lloyd George, July 26th 1927.

Sold for £1,100.00

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A copy of Dramatic Idyls, Second series by Robert Browning, published by Smith, Elder & Co. 1880, brown canvas with black and gold detailing, inscription to the inside reads Lady Lindsey with RBs best regards, June 28, 80.

Sold for £1,200.00

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CARLYLE (THOMAS). A letter dated 18th July 1851, discussing Peace society meetings signed by T Carlyle, to Henry Richard.

Sold for £850.00

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William Gladstone Autograph Letter Signed as Prime Minister "W. Gladstone." Downing Street, Whitehall letterhead, December 4, 83. The English Prime Minister thanks the correspondent Sir Henry Richard for a recent letter.

Sold for £90.00

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A hand written document titled Minutes of the Brussels congress 20th Congress de la Paix, September 1848, marbled cover with canvas spine. Signed by president, Vice President and secretary, M.Visschers, Eliha Burritt and William Ewart.

Sold for £420.00

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3 copies of Robert Browning by Francis M, Sim, all 3 copies inscribed presented to the Browning Settlement by Lady Sim, June 1931 plus 4 copies entitled Some Memories of Robert Browning by his Daughter in Law, Fannie Barrett Browning, published by Marshall Jones Company, 1928.

Sold for £50.00

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A large oak dining table given to the Browning Settlement by Fannie Barrett Browning. 158cm x 136cm, in need of restoration.

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A framed picture of Robert Brownings Library at De-Vere gardens, London. 53.5 x 41cm

Sold for £100.00

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A rather unique Collection of hand written Ledgers and documents from the York street chapel Dated From 1790 through to 1855, consisting of York Street Chapel Walworth Register of Church Members, Burial Register, Baptismal Register, Church Book, Church Minutes, Sunday school library. The church book with a green leather bound binding dated 1790-1878, includes the signatures of Founding members The Reverend George Clayton, Mr John Flint, Mr Richard Smales. In the following books signatures also include those of Paul James Turquand, Andrew Mearns, A G Snellgrove, The Rev James Spencer. (12). Noted. Church Members listed include Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Moulton-Barrett).

Sold for £1,800.00

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An oak frame photo of a painting by Robert Browning painted by his son Robert Barrett Browning together with a framed photo of Elizabeth Barrett Brownings memorial plaque.

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The Great Metropolis or, Views and History of London in the Nineteenth Century By William Gray Fernside Esq and Thomas Harrel, published by D.Omar Smith, undated c.1880, with a gilt decorated burgundy leather hardcover.

Sold for £65.00

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A collection of mounted and unmounted Browning Settlement broad sheets. C.1906/7.

Sold for £340.00

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Annual reports of the Peace Society 1880-1915, brown canvas binding.

Sold for £130.00

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A collection of 200 + letters and correspondence relating to the 1850 Peace society, seeking signatures for a petition from Members of parliament, signatures and letters including William Peel, A Snellengrove, Joseph Cooper, Charles Gilpin, J.Hudson, Richard Henry, Henry Wigham, Joseph Tregelles Price, Joesph Garnier and many more, with a copy of the original leaflet requesting signatures for the petition.

Sold for £800.00

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The History of England from the accession of James the Second 1685-1702, by Thomas Babington Macaulay: in five volumes: I, II, III, IV and V, Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay 1849. Printed by Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans.

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11 bound books from the Browning Settlement, Settlement Minutes. 1889-1929.

Sold for £320.00

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The Herald of Peace, volumes 1-33 dating from 1850 to 1915. (Missing volumes 4,11,22,26). Canvas bound editions, with an additional 25 duplicate copies various dates.

Sold for £190.00

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The 10th P.W.O. Royal Hussars and The Essex Yeomanry, During The European War 1914-1918. Signed by Lieutenant Colonel Sir Francis Henry Douglas Charlton Whitmore, 1st Baronet KCB CMG DSO TD. Inscription to 1st page To Sir Herbert & Lady Dunnico, with very best wishes, Xmas 1949 , Francis Whitmore.

Sold for £40.00

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A collection of books titled The Herald of Peace, c.1830, in various conditions.

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Robert Browning Settlement 1903-1906 / 1907, The First Eight Years of The Robert Browning Settlement 1895-1902, Robert Browning Settlement 1895-1905 inscribed Cecil Rogerson, Claytons Sermons printed by T.Baker 1804 and signed to inside cover A.G Snellgrove.

Sold for £160.00

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The Herald of peace, 20 volumes some multiple editions with brown cloth binding printed by Thomas Ward and Co.

Sold for £40.00

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An extensive collection of books in french relating to the International peace society from 1878-1949. (45)

Sold for £60.00

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Herald of Peace, 1850-1873 in 8 volumes, blue cloth and leather bound spines, printed by the office of the peace society.

Sold for £50.00

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A collection of books relating to the international peace society, parliamentary processes and international tribunals.

Sold for £120.00

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An extensive collection of peace society leather bound hand written ledgers dated from 1818 through to the 1930s, including collections of attendees signatures to the meetings.

Sold for £1,600.00

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Property of the Robert Browning Settlement, 2 gilt framed coloured etchings titles the soreen in the church of dixmude, Belgium and The Marriage room in the Hotel De Ville, Antwerp, both having hand written labels to the reverse signed Rochefort.

Sold for £110.00

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The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 7 of 8 volumes, volumes 1 missing. GIBBON, Edward. Printed by Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1848., property of the Browning Settlement.

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A red canvas book with gilt lettering titled Speech by Andrew Carnegie LLD at the annual meeting of the peace society 1910, printed by the Peace Society, together with a book titled Documents relating to the Programe of the First Hague Peace Conference.

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A collection of books relating to Robert Browing, 1936 Baylor University Bullitin, Edwin Charles, Keys to the Drood Mystery, signed authors copy with dedication. Jacoseria by RB 1883 RB & EB by Frances M. Sim C.H.H Parry, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 1905. Browningiana in Baylor University compiled by Aurelia E. Brooks Pompilia and her Poet, by Harriet Gaylord, A Life of the Brownings, signed and dedicated by author, 1935. Fifine at the fair etc, Jeanie Morison, 1914. 2 copies. Robert Browning by William Sharp. 1890. The Story of the L.M.S 1795-1895 by C.Silverster Horne, 1894. Browning settlement. Robert Browning, A portrait by Betty Miller, first edition 1952. The Life of Robert Browning, W Hall Griffin and H.C.Minchin, 1938.

Sold for £50.00

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A small collection of Robert Browning ephemera, to include. Westminster Abbey Funeral brochure for RB, 1889. Song sheet for Funeral. A small oval photo of The Bust Of Elizabeth Barrett Browning 2 Music sheets with words by RB. RB Memoriam 1890, A signed photograph of Fannie Barrett Browning. A photo of FBB and Herbert Dunnico. 2 books from the Library of Fannie Browning, Italian Life in Town & Country, Villarreal, 1902, Romeo & Juliet 1868 Leipzig Bernhard Tauchintz. Signed by FBB 1891.

Sold for £150.00

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A collection of various letters relating to The Peace Society and York Street Chapel, with signatures from Edward Edwards, W Stokes, Nicholas Hoppell, Henry Richards, Herbert Brockway. C.1850. (50+).

Sold for £230.00

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A large collection of Pamphlets , letters and documents relating to the Browning settlement and Walworth Chapel.

Sold for £380.00

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2 Peace Society donation boxes, together with 2 Church collection bags, 1 carved with the name Jack William Memorial.

Sold for £110.00

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A 1786 HOLY BIBLE Old & New Testaments, Containing The Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command, 1786 Publisher & Edition: Oxford, Printed at the Clarendon Press, by W. Jackson and A. Hamilton, inscription on inside cover by George Clayton, together with a velum bound ledger titled London Missionary society 1835.

Sold for £120.00

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RBB personal effects as listed in the Settlement collection, Small red leather string box, Clothes Brush. Robert Barrett Browning Wallingford Regatta 1865, Pewter Throphy Mug inscribed. framed pressed flowers from the burial site of EBB and her favourite places in Florence, gathered by John Thomas Barton, Kansas 1881.

Sold for £270.00

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Robert Browning settlement, a collection of silver plate and brass items including a cast brass Crucifix, trophys, hallmarked silver jug etc.

Sold for £90.00

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An early photograph from Crete, with inscription to the reverse, set to me by Mrs Stillman dated Khatepa, April 12th 1868, Isle of Crete, written by Sarianna Browning, pencil inscription reads it was Mrs Stillman that broke the News of Mrs Brownings death to Robert Browning..

Sold for £440.00

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A collection of church hand bronze bells with lettering impressions on straps.

Sold for £500.00

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A large ebonized framed and glazed photograph of The Reverend Herbert Dunnico, J.P, M.P. By the members of Ilford Borough Council. 1926, with presentation plaque.86 x 64.5cm

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Robert Browning Settlement, York Street Chapel property, a small floor standing oak framed Gong. 98cm.

Sold for £75.00

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Robert Browning Settlement, York Street Chapel property, a small ok table top lecturn. 51cm x 35cm

Sold for £75.00

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Robert Browning Settlement, York Street Chapel property, a large collection of Books and ephemera.

Sold for £35.00

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5 photos of works by Robert Barrett Browning, photos commissioned by Fannie Barrett Browning, some of the works were destroyed during WW2, Blitz. Each stamped to reverse Grove, Son & Boulton, 174 Brompton Road, S.W.3.

Sold for £55.00

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Relating to the Browning Settlement, a type written letter From Prince Albert to The Lord Mayor of London, dated April 17th 1929. Signed Albert, from 145, Piccadilly, together with a letter pre-dating the previous, dated 29th May, 1928 from the Duke of Yorks private secretary P.R.Hodgson. And a copy of a telegram to and from Princess Marys lady in waiting Joan Muholland.

Sold for £110.00

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large section of cast iron balustrade with barley twist form, from the Robert Browning Chapel. 37 straight bars and 6 rail supports, 2 finials. (See image), held at the Staceys Websters way saleroom.

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