Matchless G9 500cc Twin - This lovely 1951 G9 Matchless has been in a private collection and off the road since 1983. It underwent a rebuild over a period of time and is in the same condition now with many new items . As always when a bike has been idle for so many years an amount of recomissioning will be required prior to useage although it does start and run. The original papers have been mis-laid but its registration number is recorded against this bike at DVLA so it will be a simple case of applying for V5 by the new owner.PLEASE NOTE: After much argument with the powers that be aka DVLA they have now issued the current V5 but have insisted that although it is still on the original number plate MNV250 as according to their records it was fully rebuilt back in 1981 they have put that as its date of first registration with a note saying "Rebuilt-assembled from parts some or all of which were not new" ???? Having said that they have got the one owner up to 1981 then one since right, until we registered it. Below is what DVLA show on their own records/web site??? Thought you shopuld know if interested in the bike. Please tell me any 1950s bike that is all original or never been rebuilt or restored??Vehicle detailsVehicle make MATCHLESSDate of first registration 04 December 1981Year of manufacture 1951Cylinder capacity (cc) 500ccCO?Emissions Not availableFuel type PETROLExport marker NoVehicle status Not taxedVehicle colour BLACKVehicle type approval Not availableWheelplan 2 WHEEL
Condition Report
SOLD FOR £3100