Pontiac Trans Am 455 HO 1972 - Personally we think this is the best 1972 Pontiac Trans Am 455HO on the market today and once you see this stunning car we think you will have to agree! For you purists out there let us start by saying "No its not a numbers matching car". What it is though is a "year matching car" down to even the engine is of the same type as the original unit, being the super rare genuine "HO " unit with the one year only "7F6 castings" big port heads , aluminium inlet manifold and 4 bolt mains caps amongst other things. The product of one mans obsession to restore what was in his mind, the perfect 455HO Trans Am and over the last 25 years plus of ownership this is what he has done.
To list the work that has gone into this car would take pages and pages, a bit like the many magazine articles that over the years this car has featured in. Suffice to say in summary, it was stripped to a bare shell with every single component bar the dash removed. Any corrosion or minor distortion was removed and replaced using "Now Old Stock" parts. The chassis and floors under the car received the same treatment, hand stripped back to shiny metal prior to the floors receiving a heavy layer of Gravitex sealant to protect them for life while the front and rear sub-frames were powder coated prior to refitting. One other thing that needs to be noted is this chassis carries the all important "X" in the Vin that designates this as a genuine "8-455 4 barrel carb, Performance" Chassis.
Up top the original Lucerne blue was painfully matched, many attempts were made prior to getting an exact match to the original factory colour, then laid on by one of the top sprayers in the country to obtain a finish that even now after 10 years or so looks factory fresh. The same level of attention was paid to getting an exact reproduction for the factory stripes with a company in America being commissioned to replicate them perfectly.
The suspension was completely rebuilt using "Polygraphite" bushes throughout and KYB adjustable dampers. Subnote: Such is the attention to detail 4 sets of springs were tried before the right "stance" was obtained and the car sat correctly! We could go on but there is not one area of this car that has not received the same level of attention. Even a set of Factory Build Diagrams were obtained to ensure every clip, wire, spring or rivet, went back "as factory" and these diagrams form part of its massive extensive files of history. Pages and pages of parts lists, receipts etc there must be 4 inches of bills alone!
When asked to value the car, our American car man rolled his eyes and said "Pick a number! How can you compare it with whats on the market today? Show quality examples of these cars in the States (if you can find one) regularly sell for over $100,000!" A sensible reserve has been placed on the car and our estimated value reflects this reserve, not our valuation as we think it is worth more! Bet you never thought you would hear an Auction House say that eh!!
Condition Report